Did someone say colouring pages?
I hope all of you stay safe and sound at home in these weird times. Take good care of yourself and of those around you... now, if you're really bored ouf of your mind from quarantine... read more...
Lo and behold! New art ahead!
The gallery is up-to-date again and lots of old pictures have been sorted out and deleted for good. I know that... read more...
Interesting Times
Yes, 2018 has been really exciting as well as exhausting for me, so this update was in the making for some time now... read more...
Inktober? You bet!
So that's it! Mission accomplished! I really managed to sketch a picture every day, more or less inspired by the official Inktober-prompts, and I was precisely on schedule. Still cannot believe it... read more...
Marker Mania
Since I've missed Inktober last year (If you want to learn more about Inktober, go to this website.), I went for my own personal Inkvember and did a couple of marker pieces... read more...
Back from hiatus
No, I've not been feeding and playing with my pet Balrog all the time. ;) 2016 is simply put an incredibly busy year and a lot of things are currently going on... read more...
If you love Indiana Jones and particularly Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis as much as I do,... read more...
Lo and behold! New art ahead!
The gallery is up-to-date again and lots of old pictures have been sorted out and deleted for good. I know that many of these pictures evoke fond memories in people who have been following my online portfolio for ages. I found myself pondering if I should or shouldn't really take this or that picture off the page for far too long. At some point I had to stop racking my brains and simply kept some for old times' sake.
For this update, I wanted to make the newest batch of pictures easier to access for the inclined watcher of my website, thus the thumbnails below will show you directly what you need to see. The new art includes several of my first MerMay-contributions, the complete run is still on my Instagram-account. Have fun browsing as I had fun creating! :)
And there's gift art, too!
Just a reminder: If you want to comment directly on my art and see new sketches, works in progress, video tutorials etc. I recommend following my Instagram-feed, which I update quite regularly.